Egypt has an ancient civilization and hosts some of the most famous monuments in the history of mankind. Egypt has captured the imagination of travellers for centuries now. Egypt has some of the greatest land marks in the history such as the pyramids of Gaza, the great sphinx and the ancient temples of Luxor whose history goes back to thousands of years. The tourist possibilities in Egypt are so varied.
Giza Necropolis
The pyramids of Egypt are a major reason why tourists flock to Egypt. The necropolis of GIZA is located in the vicinity of Southwest Cairo. This is perhaps the oldest and most famous place in Egypt. The pyramids, together with the sphinx at the base of the Giza plateau, are actually part of the iconic image of EGYPT. These were built during the reign of three generations of Pharaohs (Keops, Kefren and Micerinos). The monuments are accompanied with a lot of other structures such as driveways, queen pyramids and temples.
Luxor Karnak Temple and Valley of Kings
The temple of Karnak is the largest temple in Egypt and remains so till today. The enclosure where it is located measures 2400 meters in parameter and it is surrounded by a wall of 8 meters thickness.
The valley of kings is located near Luxor and is the place, where for 500 years between XV and X century BC, tombs were built for the privileged kings and nobles of the new kingdom. The Valley of the Kings is made of 56 tombs and chambers of different sizes.
Abu Simbel
It is known by another name Temple of Ramses. It is considered one of the most famous temples in Egypt. It is part of Abu Simbel complex. It is located 300 kms from the city of Aswan, southern Egypt.
The capital city of Egypt is the largest and most populous city of Egypt. It is home to some of the word famous monuments such as the Pyramid of Giza, built with 2 million blocks of limestone. The sphinx is located just in front of the great pyramid. You must also see the Citadel of Saladin, a large stone fortress, from which you can see and appreciate a splendid view of the whole city.
Aswan, in southern Egypt, is located quite close to Nile waterfall. Aswan offers a couple of good choices that you should not miss out on such as elephantine island, the isle of kalabsha and the Nubian Museum.
The Egyptian Museum
This museum is located in Cairo and is responsible for holding articles and objects from Ancient times. It has more than 136 thousand of objects, from different periods of Egyptian history. This museum is one of the most favorite choices of travellers visiting Egypt and obviously almost 2 million people visit this place annually.
The great Sphinx
The great sphinx is the ancient statue that stands in front of the great pyramid of Giza. It is unavoidable and well-known monuments of Egypt. It contains riddles that are still unresolved.